扶优扶强 调整结构——调整和优化福安市经济结构的基本设想

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江泽民总书记在十五大报告中指出:“着眼于全面提高国民经济整体素质和效益,增强综合国力和国际竞争力,对经济结构进行战略性调整,这是国民经济发展的迫切要求和长期任务。”这为福安推进新一轮创业,建设百亿强市指明了方向。为此,必须从培育优势产品、扶持优势企业、发展优势产业的“三优工程”入手,有计划、有步骤、全方位地调整和优化经济结构,推动两个根本性转变,不断提高经济总量和经济运行质量。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out in his report to the 15th National Congress: “With a view to comprehensively improving the overall quality and efficiency of the national economy, enhancing overall national strength and international competitiveness and making strategic adjustments to the economic structure, this is an urgent requirement for the development of the national economy and a long-term task ”This pointed out the direction for Fu’an to push forward a new round of entrepreneurship and build a billion-strong city. To this end, we must start with the “Three Excellence Project” that fosters superior products, supports superior enterprises and develops advantageous industries. We must readjust and optimize the economic structure in a planned, step-by-step and all-round manner, promote the two fundamental changes and continuously improve the overall economic Quantity and quality of economic operation.
In this paper, the critical pressure pcrit and impeding pressure pimpe of the elemental evaporation were defined and studied based on the calculation of the re
香港回归,历史翻开新页,人们渴望了解香港的未来。 亚洲金融风暴袭来,香港受到冲击,人们对未来感到惶惑。 卢受采教授长期在国务院港澳办港澳研究所工作,了解中央对香港的方
肖瑞崇 ,女 ,1938年 11月出生 ,四川省成都市人 ,中共党员 ,著名中西医结合专家。 1981年经全国统考以云南省名列前茅的成绩考上主任医师 ,1985年经评聘为昆明医学院教授 ,19
据有关部门分析,今后若干年内我国经济发展将呈现如下趋势: 经济运行更加市场化。市场在经济活动中的作用明显增强,成为资源配置的基本力量,企业的经营活动主要由市场来调节
A novel enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor(HEMT) is proposed and studied.Specifically,several split floating gates(FGs) with negative
主要介绍了在分流组合模中,上模相邻型芯间空刀及工作带部分用线切割一次性加工成形的方法及其适用范围。 Mainly introduced in the shunt combination of mold, the upper