因“特别能战斗”而被皖北煤电集团公司领导誉为“煤海擎天柱”的百善矿综采一区,截至1998年已有近12年的建区历史。十多年来,综采一区的领导班子换了一届又一届,职工队伍换了一批又一批,但综采一区特别能战斗的优良传统和作风以及“挑大梁”的主采区地位始终没有变。建区以来先后转战十多个综采工作面,闯过六次煤层上部含水丰富、危险性巨大的“天窗区”,虎口夺煤数百万吨,最高月产创下十二万三千多吨,为百善矿的兴旺、皖北煤电集团公司的发展做出突出贡献。这其中的奥秘在哪里呢? 以“严”律人培育过硬的职工队伍
Because of “special fight” and was chaired by Wanbei Coal and Electricity Group Company known as “Coal Sea Optimus Prime” a hundred mine fully mechanized coal mining area, as of 1998 has been nearly 12 years of history of the built area. For more than a decade, the leadership of fully mechanized mining and one district has been re-elected one after another while the workforce has been replaced by batches of batches. However, the fine tradition and style of fighting for a fully mechanized mining area and the main mining method The status of the district has not changed. Since its establishment, the district has fought more than 10 fully mechanized coal mining face, broke through six “sunroofs” with rich water and huge danger in the upper part of coal seam, grabbed millions of tons of coal in the tiger’s mouth and hit a maximum of 123,300 tons per month , For the prosperity of 100 good mine, coal group in northern Anhui made outstanding contributions to the development of the company. Where is the mystery? With “strict” lawyers to develop an excellent workforce