
来源 :现代交际 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nimabe
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研究表明,如果一个人的身体语言与她的言语相矛盾,人们宁愿相信他们所看到的,而不是她所说的。对一位正在寻找工作的女性来讲,要想在面试中成为胜利者,必须灵活运用体态语,让体态语帮助你正确地传情达意,一展与众不同的素养、气质和魅力,使你在众多的竞争者中树立良好的个人形象,在以男性为主的面试官眼中脱颖而出。 Research shows that if a person’s body language contradicts her speech, people would rather believe what they see than what she says. For a woman who is looking for a job, to be a winner in the interview, you have to apply body language flexibly, so that body language can help you to express your affection, express your unique qualities, temperament and charisma so that you In many competitors to establish a good personal image, in the eyes of male-dominated interviewer stand out.
1 山莨菪碱治疗低热型感冒的作用以鼻咽部炎症为主要症状的普通感冒 ,在受凉等诱因下 ,呼吸道局部防御功能下降 ,而导致呼吸道粘膜充血、水肿、分泌物增多 ,山莨菪碱是M受体
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