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一、生活质量(QOL)的定义QOL 的定义有许多种说法。有强调环境等客观条件的,认为QOL 是使病人富裕的同时创造和维持一种可能使最大程度地享受满意生活的社会系统,是包括自然环境在内的生活方便的环境等。有强调个人幸福和满足等主观条件的,认为QOL 是指“个人的幸福,生活满意不满意或幸福不幸福”,或是指“某个人在一定时期内全面认识到或感受到的自身需求的满足”和“各种可引起个人的幸福感的体会, First, the definition of quality of life (QOL) There are many definitions of QOL. Under the objective conditions of stressing the environment, QOL believes that enabling patients to become affluent while creating and maintaining a social system that can maximize their satisfaction with life is a convenient environment for living, including the natural environment. There are subjective conditions that emphasize personal well-being and contentment. QOL refers to “personal well-being, dissatisfaction with life, or unhappiness from well-being,” or “self-satisfaction that an individual fully understands or feels over a period of time To meet ”and" all kinds of feelings that can cause personal happiness,
通过4年对银杏雄花序粉浆授粉新方法的研究及试验,表明用此法处理制取的雄花粉质量有显著提高,授粉座果率可提高15%左右,且方法简单易行,值得在生产上推广应用。 Through fo