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通过对阿尔金山北麓新疆若羌米兰河口剖面新近纪沉积序列的详细研究,结合区域资料,将该区地层由下至上划分为中新世乌恰群、晚中新世-早上新世的阿图什组、晚上新世西域砾岩组和早更新世乌苏群。根据岩性、沉积物粒度、沉积结构和构造以及地层几何形态特点,新近纪以来该区沉积环境经历了从中新世湖相沉积到晚中新世-早上新世扇三角洲沉积,再到晚上新世洪积扇沉积,最后至第四纪洪积扇和河流沉积的演化。结合剖面向上阶段性变粗、砾岩增多变厚、砾石成份中深变质岩和火成岩含量增加以及古水流也呈有规律变化等特征,可推测自新近纪以来阿尔金山至少经历了晚中新世-早上新世、晚上新世、早更新世和中更新世以来4个阶段的重大构造隆升过程,并且后3次构造活动幅度较前一次强烈。 Based on the detailed study of the Neogene sedimentary sequence of the Riojon Milano estuary profile in the northern foot of the Altun Mountains and the combination of regional data, the strata of the area are divided into Meso-Cenozoic Wuxia Group and Late Miocene-Early Pliocene from bottom to top Tuushu Formation, Late Pliocene Western Conglomerate Group and Early Pleistocene Wusu Group. According to lithology, sediment grain size, sedimentary structure and structure, and formation geometry, the sedimentary environment of the area underwent the deposition from the Miocene lacustrine sediments to the late Miocene-Early Pliocene fan delta since the Neogene, and then to the new at night Deposition of the Fai Fan, and the evolution of the alluvial fans and river sediments to Quaternary. The combination of upward stages of coalescence, thickening and conglomeration of conglomerates, increasing contents of deep metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks in the gravel composition, and regular changes of paleocurrent also suggest that the Altun Mountains experienced at least the Late Miocene since the Neogene. - Early Pliocene, Late Pliocene, Early Pleistocene and the Middle Pleistocene since 4 major structural uplift process, and the intensity of the last three tectonic activities than the previous strong.
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[摘 要] 随着教育改革的不断发展,高校会计教学也同样面临着转变。高校现有的会计教学方式及教学模式已经不能够满足目前高校学生的实际学习需求,需要对其进行改进。而案例教学法作为一种教学模式能够在很大程度上促进学生的学习,提升学生的个人能力。针对目前高校会计教学过程之中所存在的问题进行简要的分析,从而提出案例教学在高校会计教学中的实际应用,希望可以提出一些思考。  [关 键 词] 教学方法;教学手段;
为帮助大一新生顺利完成过渡,大一英语教师应充分展示个人魅力,激发学生学习兴趣,灵活运用多种教学方法,培养自主学习能力。 To help the freshmen successfully complete t