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好个田蔓莎!“丑小鸭变成大天鹅”、“一步登天”…… 田蔓莎命运变化的鲜明反差和艺术声誉的迅速提高,的确是当代中国剧坛颇有传奇性的佳话。她貌不惊人,曾先后三次报考省、市艺校,三次都名落孙山,最后还是托人说好话,才进入一个市的区级川剧团去随团学艺;她又曾三次参加省、市川剧表演大赛,而三次都只得了个三等奖;在剧团里,她总只是B角、甚至C角,但在从未排过戏、合过乐的情况下,当A角演员急病不能演出时,她竟敢临时顶替,颇得好评,使全团刮目相看;突如其来,她连跳三级,从区级剧团调到市级剧团,再调到省川剧学校;又突如其来,这个 Good Tian Mansha! “Ugly duckling into a big swan,” “one step ascend to heaven” ... ... Tian Mansha fate of sharp contrast and rapid improvement of artistic reputation is indeed quite legendary Chinese contemporary drama story. She was not astonished. She has applied for the provincial and municipal art schools three times and the three famous names of “Sun Mountain”. In the end, she also said that she was a good friend before entering the city-level Sichuan Opera Troupe. She also participated in the provincial and municipal Sichuan Opera three times Performance contest, and three have only won a third prize; in the troupe, she is always only the B corner, or even C corner, but never row through the play, together too happy, when A corner actor can not perform acute illness , She dared to temporarily replace, quite praise, so that the whole group admiration; suddenly, she even jump three, from the district troupe transferred to the municipal troupe, and then transferred to the Sichuan Opera School; and suddenly, this
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