
来源 :中学考试通讯(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanxia185
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考试是教育的重要组成部分。当今,世界上许多国家已把考试作为一门科学来研究,探讨其规律,研究其技术并积极进行改革。 考试的目标与教学的目标是一致的,其内容不超出教学大纲所规定的范围。但考试必须要有自身的、具体的、明确的要求。例如,考试的性质与目的;考试的内容与范围;知识与能力的覆盖面及层次要求;试卷结构,题型比例等。广大教师、考生了解了这些具体明确 Examinations are an important part of education. Today, many countries in the world have examined the examination as a science, explored its laws, studied its technology and actively carried out reforms. The goals of the exam are consistent with the objectives of the teaching, and its content does not exceed the scope stipulated by the syllabus. But the exam must have its own, specific, and explicit requirements. For example, the nature and purpose of the exam; the content and scope of the exam; the coverage and level requirements of the knowledge and ability; the structure of the exam paper, the proportion of questions, etc. The teachers and candidates understand these specific and clear
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