Research on flexible silver nanowire electrode for or-ganic light-emitting devices

来源 :光电子快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsjingling
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By spin-coating silver nanowires(AgNWs)and polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA),applying pressure imprint and plasma treatment,we obtained flat AgNW thin film with a sheet resistance of 20 Ω/sq and a transmittance of 78%at 550 nm with low surface roughness.No significant change in sheet resistance was observed after cyclic bending(bending radius is 5 mm)test and tape test.After 1 000 bending tests,the change rate of sheet resistance was only 8.3%.The organic light-emitting devices(OLEDs)were prepared by using such AgNW electrodes and a maximum brightness of 5 090 cd/m2 was obtained.Compared with the AgNWs electrode without any treatment,the present AgNW electrodes have lower sheet resistance and better hole injection.Our results show spin-coated with flat lay-ers,embossed and plasma-treated AgNW electrodes are suitable for manufacturing flexible organic optoelectronic devices.
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