如虎添翼十六大 抓住机遇创辉煌——中国民协八年工作综述和未来发展设想

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江泽民主席在党的十六大报告中,深刻地阐明了我们党在新世纪坚持举什么旗、走什么路、实现什么目标等重大问题,对改革开放和社会主义现代化建设作出全面部署,是我们党团结和带领全国各族人民在新世纪新阶段继续奋勇前进的政治宣言和行动纲领。特别在报告中还进一步指出:民营科技企业的创业人员和技术人员是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者,对他们的创业精神都要鼓励,对他们的合法权益都要保护,对他们中的优秀分子都要表彰,对他们的劳动都要承主和尊重。这些论述,与时俱进,闪耀着马克思主的真理光辉,极大地鼓舞了民营科技企业的创业者和技术人员,为我们民营科技企业在新世纪的大发展吹响了前进的号角。 In his report to the 16th National Congress of the Party, President Jiang Zemin profoundly expounded the major issues that our party persists in holding hold of the flag in the new century, what is the path to achieve, what are the goals and so on, and made an all-out plan for the reform and opening up as well as for the socialist modernization drive The party's political declaration and program of action to unite and lead the people of all nationalities across the country to continue their courageous progress in the new phase of the new century. In particular, the report further pointed out: Entrepreneurs and technicians of private-owned S & T enterprises are the builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They should all encourage their entrepreneurial spirit, protect their legitimate rights and interests, The numerators must be commended, and their work must be undertaken and respected. These discourses, advancing with the times, shining the glorious truth of Marxist truth and greatly encouraging the entrepreneurs and technicians of private-owned science and technology enterprises have sounded the horn for the rapid development of our private science and technology enterprises in the new century.
【宗旨】比利时国家科学研究基金会的宗旨是促进比利时的科学研究。其任务是推广知识的传播,支持包括人文科学在内的各科学领域的基础研究。 【背景】比利时国家科研基金会
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