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我厂广大工人、干部和技术人员,遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“中国应当对于人类有较大的贡献”的教导,坚持独立自主、自力更生、艰苦奋斗的革命精神,在缺乏资料和设备的情况下,采取因陋就简、土法上马的办法,于1966年4月胜利地制造出我厂第一台汽车大梁辊压机,为我厂汽车生产提供了一台关键性设备,为多快好省地建设社会主义,发展我国的汽车工业作出了贡献! 汽车大梁辊压机这个新生事物一出现,立即引起了有关部门和上级领导的重视。1968年一机部汽车轴承局在武汉专门召开了汽车大梁辊压机观场会。会议一致认为在中、小批量生产的制造厂采用辊压生产汽车大梁是一种投资少、上马快的新的工艺方法;如果在结构上进行某些改进,对于大批量的生产也是可以满足的。根据武汉会议的精神,在党的“九大”、“十大”期间,特别是在伟大的批林批孔的群众运动中,广大职工狠批了林彪、孔老二复辟倒退的反革命修正主义路线,掀起了大干社会主 The vast majority of workers, cadres and technical personnel of our factory, in accordance with the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, on “China should make greater contribution to mankind,” insisted on the revolutionary spirit of independence, self-reliance and hard work. In the absence of materials and equipment, Take the simple, native law launched the method, in April 1966 to successfully create the first car I Beam roller press, I plant a vehicle for the production of a critical piece of equipment for more rapid and economical construction of society Doctrine, the development of China’s automobile industry has contributed to the car beam roller press this new thing appeared, immediately aroused the attention of the relevant departments and superiors. In 1968, a machine-designed automobile bearing bureau held a special meeting of car beam roller press in Wuhan. The meeting agreed that using small and medium-sized manufacturing plants to produce automobile girders by rolling is a new process with less investment and quick commissioning. If structural improvements are made, it is also satisfactory for high-volume production . According to the spirit of the Wuhan conference, during the “Nine Major” and “Top Ten” party’s campaigns, especially in the great mass movement of criticizing Confucius and Pundor, the broad masses of staff and workers harshly criticized the counter-revolutionary revisionism of Lin Biao and Kong Er-re for their restoration Route, set off a big dry socialism
较系统的总结了贝壳杉烷型四环二萜的1 3CNMR数据 ,探讨了其1 3CNMR的规律和特征 .并在此基础上报道了一个新的贝壳杉烷型四环二萜化合物———对映 1 6β,1 7,1 8 三羟基
David Sayre及其合作者首次得到了非晶样品的衍射图。他们的革命性的功绩在于能得到不可能结晶的大量物质的衍射图 ,这些非晶体可以是从细胞到个别蛋白质分子的任何材料 ,并
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In this letter, we demonstrate coherent beam combination of laser diode array using the external Talbot cavity with double feedback. The double feedback element
吉尔吉斯斯坦总统库尔曼别克·巴基耶夫在视察楚河阿拉梅金梯级水电站工程时声明,发展小水电与建设大型水电站一样都被列为优先开发项目。 Kyrgyzstan’s President Kurmanb
晋城是在改革开放大潮中诞生并成长起来的一座新型城市,现辖四县一区一市,总面积9490km2,总人口220万。晋城是山西的相对富水区。水资源总量13.17亿m3,人均 Jincheng is a n