Vertical coherency function model of spatial ground motion

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myselffan
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Many studies have focused on horizontal ground motion, resulting in many coherency functions for horizontal ground motion while neglecting related problems arising from vertical ground motion. However, seismic events have demonstrated that the vertical components of ground motion sometimes govern the ultimate failure of structures. In this paper, a vertical coherency function model of spatial ground motion is proposed based on the Hao model and SMART 1 array records, and the validity of the model is demonstrated. The vertical coherency function model of spatial ground motion is also compared with the horizontal coherency function model, indicating that neither model exhibits isotropic characteristics. The value of the vertical coherency function has little correlation with that of the horizontal coherency function. However, the coherence of the vertical ground motion between a pair of stations decreases with their projection distance and the frequency of the ground motion. When the projection distance in the wave direction is greater than 800 meters, the coherency between the two points can be neglected. Many studies have focused on horizontal ground motion. However, seismic events have been demonstrated for the vertical components of ground motion sometimes govern the ultimate failure of structures. In this paper, a vertical coherency function model of spatial ground motion is proposed based on the Hao model and SMART 1 array records, and the validity of the model is demonstrated. The vertical coherency function model of spatial ground motion is also compared with the horizontal coherency The value of the neither co-ordinate of the horizontal coherency function. However, the coherence of the co-ordinate of the horizontal coherency function frequency of the ground motion. When the pro jection distance in the wave direction is greater than 800 meters, the coherency between the two points can be neglected.
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