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建国三十五年来,我区的护林防火工作发展很快,火灾损失大幅度地下降,从根本上消灭了建国前山林火灾常年不断,自生自灭的局面,在保护森林发展林业方面取得了显著成绩。全区从上到了设立了一套完整的护林防火机构,组建了以森林警察和护林员为骨干的防火专业队伍,防火设施建设已初具规模,航空护林、机降灭火、化学灭火等先进技术正被迅速应用,护林防火工作已由单一的群众性防火逐步向专业化、机械化、科学化的方向迈进。 In the 35 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, forest fire prevention in our region has been developing rapidly and the loss of fire has dropped substantially. This basically eliminated the perennial and spontaneous loss of forest fires prior to the founding of the People’s Republic of China and made remarkable achievements in forest protection and protection Score. The whole district has set up a complete set of forest fire prevention agencies from the beginning to the end and set up a fire prevention professional team with forest police and rangers as the backbone. The construction of fire prevention facilities has taken shape and the advanced technologies such as aviation forest guard, jet machine fire extinguishing and chemical fire extinguishing Is being rapidly applied, forest fire prevention work has been gradually from a single mass of fire prevention to the specialized, mechanized and scientific direction.
1999年至2004年费孝通先后四次走进静思园。静思园是农民企业家陈金根致富后建造起来的私家园林,占地一百余亩,是迄今为止江南最大的私家园林,这对于毕生"志在 1999 to 2004
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据《人民公安报》(消防周刊 )报道 ,1月 11日 14时 35分许 ,位于山西省襄汾县古城镇京安村外的襄浏花炮厂发生爆炸事故 ,共造成 2 5名工人遇难 ,另有 9人受伤 ,其中重伤 6人
德国最新的研究报告指出,人在遭遇交通堵塞时容易引起心脏病发作。 调查结果发现,在所有的心脏病发作的病例中,有十二分之一的病例与交通堵塞有关。在遭遇交通堵塞时,被困在
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