Endogenous retinal neural stem cell reprogramming for neuronal regeneration

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HUZHAOHUA333
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In humans,optic nerve injuries and associated neurodegenerative diseases are often followed by permanent vision loss.Consequently,an important challenge is to develop safe and effective methods to replace retinal neurons and thereby restore neuronal functions and vision.Identifying cellular and molecular mechanisms allowing to replace damaged neurons is a major goal for basic and translational research in regenerative medicine.Contrary to mammals,the zebrafish has the capacity to fully regenerate entire parts of the nervous system,including retina.This regenerative process depends on endogenous retinal neural stem cells,the Müller glial cells.Following injury,zebrafish Müller cells go back into cell cycle to proliferate and generate new neurons,while mammalian Müller cells undergo reactive gliosis.Recently,transcription factors and microRNAs have been identified to control the formation of new neurons derived from zebrafish and mammalian Müller cells,indicating that cellular reprogramming can be an efficient strategy to regenerate human retinal neurons.Here we discuss recent insights into the use of endogenous neural stem cell reprogramming for neuronal regeneration,differences between zebrafish and mammalian Müller cells,and the need to pursue the identification and characterization of new molecular factors with an instructive and potent function in order to develop theurapeutic strategies for eye diseases.
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