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美国报纸广告署(NAB)不久前以《读者如何评价他们的报纸》为题,公布了一份读者调查报告。在这次调查中,受调查者被要求对自己所读报纸九个方面的内容作出评价,即:总统和国会的举动、当地事件、国际事件、地方政府的公务、体育比赛项目或体育新闻、犯罪、艾滋病传播、少数民族情况、环境污染问题。对上述问题的答复是:有4/5以上的读者认为,他 The U.S. newspaper Ad Agency (NAB) recently published a readership survey on the topic “How readers value their newspapers.” In this survey, respondents were asked to rate nine aspects of the newspapers they read, namely, the actions of the president and the Congress, local incidents, international incidents, official functions of local governments, sports events or sports news, Crime, AIDS transmission, ethnic minorities, environmental pollution problems. The answer to the above question is: more than 4/5 readers think he
The processes of multilayer thin Cu films grown on Cu (100) surfaces at elevated temperature(250-400 K)are simulated by mean of kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method
Based on the techniques of the quantum remote state preparation via a deterministic way, this paper proposes a quantum communication scheme to distribute the se
We extend the Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk (BTK) theory to the study of the coexistence between ferromagnetism and s-wave superconductivity in ferromagnet/supe
On the basis of the acoustoelastic theory for elastic-plastic materials, the influence of statically deformed states including both the elastic and plastic defo
We investigate the pairwise entanglement and global entanglement in a generalized Jaynes-Cummings model,which can be used to realize Greenberger-Hoe-Zeilinger (
This paper considers interfacial waves propagating along the interface between a two-dimensional two-fluid with a flat bottom and a rigid upper boundary. There
In this paper, exact solutions are derived for four coupled complex nonlinear different equations by using simplified transformation method and algebraic equati
Molecular dynamic simulations based on a coarse-grained,bead-spring model are adopted to investigate the spreading of both nonfunctional and functional perfluor
In this paper a scheme for controlled teleportation of arbitrary high-dimensional unknown quantum states is proposed by using the generalized Bell-basis measure
In this paper a new scheme for teleporting an unknown entangled state of two particles is proposed. To weaken the requirement for the quantum channel, without l