今年高考结束已经半年了,而关于作文题的议论仍然不绝于耳。揣想大家已经读过不少评论文章与考场作文,时至今日对这一话题也许难有什么新鲜感了。不过,我们还是建议读一下这两篇老师写的“下水文”。你大概会从中得到另一种感受。 今年的作文题的确有较强的思辩性(参见本刊今年第10期《今年高考作文题的思辨性》),这不禁促使两位“下水者”进行了比较深入的思考。魏老师的文章从哲学视角对论题进行了辩证的阐述,揭示出所包含的“感情悖论”;寇老师的文章则强调了论题的另一方面,指出在现实生活中凭借感情亲疏认知事物不一定就是错误的。不知你读过之后是否能有同感,或许会在作文命题及写作指导上有所启示。
It has been half a year since the end of this year’s college entrance examination, and discussions on the topic of writing are still in the ears. Imagine that you have read a lot of commentary articles and examination studio compositions. It may be hard to be fresh about this topic today. However, we still recommend reading the “underwater” written by these two teachers. You may get another feeling from it. This year’s essay question does have a strong speculative nature (see the 10th edition of this year’s “The Speculation of this year’s college entrance exam essay”). This can not help but urge the two “sewers” to engage in more in-depth thinking. Teacher Wei’s article expounded the thesis from the philosophical point of view dialectically, revealing the included “emotional paradox”; her teacher’s article emphasized the other aspect of the thesis, pointing out that in reality, it is not intimately aware of things through affection. It must be wrong. I do not know if you can feel the same after reading, perhaps inspiration in writing propositions and writing instructions.