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HCl或NH_3没有集满等因素的干扰,其原因是:由于实验所制溶液,在一定温度下在密闭的容器里存在着水和该气体的蒸汽压,以及“喷管”的水位差压的缘故。为使烧瓶充满水,可松开烧瓶的塞子,再从锥形瓶的弯曲管吹气,使水刚好充至烧瓶的塞子下,就制得1体积水吸收1体积气体的盐酸或氨水。那么,由此实验制得的盐酸和氨水的百分比浓度,摩尔浓度和pH值各是多少? (1)求溶于水气体的摩尔数(n): 若实验在常压、常温(t℃)下测定,V为升根据:PV=nRT则n=PV/RT(mot)T=(273+t)K。 (2)求溶液的百分比浓度(c%): ∵由此所制溶液的浓度极稀,∵D_(溶液)≈1 The interference of HCl or NH_3 is not caused by the accumulation of factors such as the concentration of water and the vapor pressure of the gas in a closed container at a certain temperature due to the solution of the experiment, and the differential pressure of the “nozzle”. reason. To fill the flask with water, loosen the stopper of the flask and blow air from the bent tube of the conical flask so that the water is just under the stopper of the flask to obtain hydrochloric acid or ammonia water that absorbs 1 volume of water by 1 volume of water. What is the percentage concentration, molarity, and pH of hydrochloric acid and ammonia water produced in this experiment? (1) Find the number of moles of gas dissolved in water (n): If the experiment is at normal pressure and room temperature (t°C) The following measurement, V is based on: PV = nRT then n = PV / RT (mot) T = (273 + t) K. (2) Calculate the percentage concentration (c%) of the solution: ∵ The concentration of the solution thus prepared is extremely dilute, ∵D_(solution)≈1
我于1978年开始围绕如何着重培养学生自学能力,对于教材处理、课堂教学、作业批改和考试评分等主要环节进行了改革试验,逐步形成了一种教学法体系——单元循环教学法。 In
该文(载《中等数学》1985年第5期)在2.例1中给出的y=arc tg(tgx)、y=arc ctg(ctgx)的表达式与图形是错误的,现更正如下: This article (contained in “Middle Mathematics
在化学教学中我发现学生存在不少有关知识的问题,由于种种原因,没有发问而潜伏下来。久之就成了学习上的障碍,给教、学双方都带来困难。 In chemistry teaching, I discove
以辩证唯维主义观点来提高中学化学教学的质量,这是一个重要问题。下面仅以它对化学教学的作用,分述于下: 1.有助于加强基础知识的教学: 大家知道,只有观点正确,掌握概念才
今年七月将在波兰举行第二十七届国际中学生数学奥林匹克竞赛,我国将首次派队参加这一竞赛活动。目前代表团已组成,其成员如下: The 27th International Mathematical Olym
检验如右图所示的气体发生装置的气密性,除常用方法外,还可用如下方法: 用止水夹将气体出口处夹紧,再从长颈漏斗口加水,如水停留在长颈漏斗中,而不流入广口瓶中,说明装置不
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