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平明会,这位年过半百的农场一员、普通共产党员,在平凡的人生旅途上,凭着对边疆的热爱,对事业、工作的执着追求,多年来一直奋战在农业第一线,做出了不平凡的成绩,以朴实憨厚的性格被人们誉为农场的“老黄牛”。1985年2月,平明会从湖北携妻毅然踏上了西行的列车来到农一师一团二连。第一年连队领导提出让他承包二连老稻场的60亩地种水稻,这时有些好心人过来提醒他,那片地盐碱重、条件差、邪气重,去年有人承包都亏了。平明会不信这个邪,作为一个共产党员,就是要越苦越难越向前。他凭着在湖北老家种水稻的经验,查阅了新疆种稻的有关资料,横下一条心,早出晚归,精耕细作,当年水稻单产达到了750公斤,比老家的产量还要高许多,并得到800元的超产奖,平明会乐了。他连续3年都承包这片地,由于勤奋好学肯钻研,不怕苦不怕累,这3年给他带来了2.6万元的好收入。他说:“在湖北老家,当队长只不过每 Ping Minghui, a farmer who is over half a year old, an ordinary communist, has been fighting hard on the forefront of agriculture for many years in the ordinary journey of life with his love for the frontier and his persistent pursuit of cause and work. Out of the extraordinary results, simple and honest character is known as the farm people ”old ox “. In 1985 February, Ping Ming from Hubei to take the wife resolutely set foot on the westbound train to a group of farmers a regiment. In the first year, the leader of the company proposed to let him contract the 60-hectare planted paddy of Erlian Old Paddy Field. At that time, some kind-hearted people came to remind him that the weight of salt and alkali was heavy and the evil conditions were heavy. Last year some contractors lost their contracts. Ping Ming did not believe this evil. Being a communist member, it is necessary to make it harder and harder to move forward. With his experience of planting rice in his hometown in Hubei Province, he consulted the relevant information on planting rice in Xinjiang. He made a start and a late move and worked intensively. In the same year, the yield per hectare of rice reached 750 kilograms, much higher than that of his hometown and obtained 800 Yuan’s super-prize, Ping Ming will be happy. He contracted for three consecutive years this piece of land, hardworking willing to study, not afraid of suffering not tired, three years gave him a good income of 26,000 yuan. He said: ”In Hubei hometown, when the captain only each
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本实验采用硫酸铵沉淀、疏水层析、Sepharose CL-6B亲和层析与分子筛层析从中国特有的珍稀植物蒜头果的种子里分离到一种高毒性的植物毒蛋白——蒜头果毒蛋白,得率为1.1%。蒜头