思想重视 措施扎实 配合密切 浙江省科技体制改革与发展工作取得阶段性成效

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根据毛光烈副省长的要求,6月26日下午在省科技厅科技会堂,省科技厅党组书记、厅长周国辉主持召开了省科技体制改革和创新体系建设领导小组主要成员单位会议,省委组织部人才办、省发改委、省经信委、省教育厅、省科技厅、省人力社保厅、省财政厅、省卫计委、省国资委、省质监局、省金融办、人行杭州中心支行、浙江银监局、浙江保监局等14个单位负责人通报了上半年科技改革发展工作进展和下一步工作计划,对深化改革工作提出了意见建议。会议还邀请了省委全面深化改革领导小组办公室、省经济体制改革领导小组办公室同志与会指导。会前,为了解部门科技体制改革进展,省科技体制改革和创新体系建设领导小组办公室分成2个工作小组,主动上门到部门沟通衔接,了解科技体制改革与发展工作进展。总体上讲,上半年各部门紧紧围绕贯彻落实省科技体制改革和创新体系建设领导小组全体成员会议精神,按照“六个起来”的要求,抓好《2014年科技体制改革与发展工作要点》确定的各项目标任务的落实,思想重视,措施扎实,配合密切,取得了六个方面的阶段性成效。 According to the request of Vice Governor Mao Guangli, on the afternoon of June 26, at the science and technology hall of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, party secretary and director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Zhou Guohui presided over the meetings of key member units of the leading group for the provincial science and technology system reform and innovation system construction. Ministry of Personnel, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Economic Commission, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Health and Planning Commission, Provincial SASAC, Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision, Provincial Department of Finance, Heads of 14 units, including the branch, Zhejiang Banking Bureau and Zhejiang Insurance Regulatory Bureau, reported on the work progress and the next work plan for science and technology reform and development in the first half of the year, and put forward opinions and suggestions on deepening the reform. The meeting also invited the provincial party committee to deepen the reform of the leading group office, provincial economic reform leading group office comrades guidance. Before the meeting, in order to understand the progress of S & T system reform in the departments, the leading group office of provincial S & T system reform and innovation system construction was divided into two working groups and took the initiative to come to the department to communicate and connect so as to understand the progress of S & T system reform and development. In general, all departments in the first half of the year closely followed the spirit of the meeting of all the leading members of the leading group for the provincial science and technology system reform and innovation system, and grasped the task of “reform and development of the science and technology system in 2014” in accordance with the requirements of “six uplift” Points "to determine the implementation of all the goals and tasks, thinking seriously, measures are solid, with close, has made six aspects of the phased results.
我家的院子很大。院子里有五棵高大的橡树,还有一排小松树, 中间还有一个秋千架。常常有小松鼠跑来跑去,小鸟飞来飞去,鹿儿走来走去。一年四季,我家的院子有不同的景色。春天
中秋节快要到了,我们一家聚在一起,商量今年爷爷去谁家过节。我抢先表态,对大家说道: “我是爷爷的孙子,爸爸是爷爷的儿子,我们家和爷爷最亲,所以爷爷理当上我们家过节。”这
29个萎缩牙槽晴应用预制成块状的多孔羚基磷灰石予以增高之后,1年内65%经基磷灰石块需部分或全部取出,病员中韶%因伤11延迟愈合延误了义齿修复。 Twenty-nine atrophy of t