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深入揭示不同发育期、不同强度和持续日数的低温冷害对玉米生物量累积和产量的影响,对农业防灾减灾具有重要意义。本文以河套灌区玉米低温冷害为研究对象,在对WOFOST模型进行参数校准的基础上,通过数值模拟试验方法,对模型在研究区域上的适应性进行了分析、检验,同时探讨了不同发育阶段出现不同强度和持续日数低温对玉米贮存器官生物量累积和产量的影响。结果表明:在玉米出苗-灌浆期中的每个发育期发生低温时,玉米贮存器官生物量累积和产量对低温强度和持续日数的响应程度基本一致;当降温强度不同、持续日数相同时,灌浆期低温对玉米产量和贮存器官生物量累积的影响最大;当降温强度相同,持续日数不同时,低温持续日数1 d,玉米拔节至抽雄期发生的低温对贮存器官生物量和产量的影响最大,低温持续日数大于3 d时,玉米灌浆期发生的低温对贮存器官生物量和产量的影响最大;发生时段不同时,出苗至拔节期发生的低温,玉米产量和贮存器官生物量随低温持续日数增加而减少,但持续日数相同,不同低温强度对其影响差别不大;其他发育阶段随着低温强度加大,持续日数增加,玉米产量和贮存器官生物量减少。本文结果较好地反映了研究区低温冷害对玉米生长影响的实际情况,可为当地农业生产决策提供科学依据。 It is of great significance to further reveal the impact of chilling injury on biomass accumulation and yield of maize at different developmental stages, different intensities and durations, which is of great significance to agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation. Based on the parameter calibration of WOFOST model, the adaptability of the model to the study area was analyzed and tested through the numerical simulation test method. At the same time, the different development stages were discussed Effects of Different Intensity and Duration of Low Temperature on Biomass Accumulation and Yield of Corn Storage. The results showed that when the temperature was low at each developmental stage in the seedling-filling stage of corn, the biomass accumulation and yield of storage organs of corn were basically the same to the low temperature strength and the number of continuous days. When the cooling intensity was different and the number of continuous days was the same, When the temperature was the same and the number of continuous days was different, the duration of low temperature continued for 1 d, and the low temperature produced during the period from jointing to tasseling of maize had the greatest effect on the biomass and yield of storage organs. When the number of continuous days was more than 3 d, the low temperature at grain filling stage had the greatest effect on the biomass and yield of storage organs. At the different time of emergence, the low temperature, maize yield and biomass at storage and jointing stage increased with the duration of low temperature But the duration of the same number of days, the effect of different low temperature intensity has little difference; in other developmental stages, with the increase of low temperature strength, the number of continuous days increases, the yield of maize and the biomass of storage organs decrease. The results of this paper better reflect the actual situation of the impact of chilling injury on the growth of maize in the study area, which can provide a scientific basis for the decision-making of local agricultural production.
ISO/IEC 27032:2012定义的应用程序安全是通过控制和量度应用程序本身、应用程序的数据及应用程序生命周期中所涉及的参与主体等,以管理应用程序使用风险的过程。其中应用程
迟缓爱德华菌(Edwardsiella tarda,简称E.tarda)感染宿主范围很广,是水产养殖业的重要病原体。它能够在巨噬细胞内生存和繁殖,是其致病的关键。已有研究表明Ⅲ型分泌系统(T3S