
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljy2010
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Background: In a recent study, the authors found that blinks in healthy volunt eers always triggered ocular torsion quick phases during dynamic roll movements of the head. On the basis of this observation, they hypothesized that blinks in patients with a vestibular tone imbalance would also trigger torsional quick pha ses. Methods: Using video oculography with a fixation target, the authors recor ded the ocular torsion position of the left eye of 37 participants while they ma de voluntary blinks once every 6 to 10 seconds. The participants were recruited from four groups: two age groups of healthy volunteers with a mean ±SD age of 3 2 ±4 (n=9) and 65 ±11 y (n=9); patients with a unilateral vestibular disorder in an acute state (n=12, 53 ±17 y); and those in a persisting state in which sp ontaneous nystagmus had already faded (n= 9, 65 ±13 y). Results: In the control groups of healthy volunteers, blinks triggered no or only small quick phases on the order of 0.1 deg. In both patient groups blinks always triggered quick phas es with significantly higher amplitudes of 1.85 ±.1.02 deg and were followed by exponentially decaying slow phases with time constants on the order of 1 to 2 seconds. Patients in the persisting state clearly differed from patients in the acute state in that their torsional spontaneous nystagmus had already vanished d ue to vestibular compensation. But surprisingly, these two groups did not show a large difference in terms of the effect of blinks on ocular torsion. The author s always observed torsional quick phases with the upper pole of the eye beating away from the side of the lesion. Conclusions: Blinks are able to trigger torsio nal quick phases in patients with both acute and persisting vestibular disorders . The side of the impairment can be determined from the direction in which the e ye is rotated after a blink. Thus, ocular torsion recordings during blinks can b e used as a simple clinical test for a vestibular tone imbalance, particularly d uring a persisting failure in which spontaneous nystagmus has resolved and can t herefore no longer be used for diagnosis. Background: In a recent study, the authors found that blinks in healthy volunt eers always triggered ocular torsion quick phases during dynamic roll movements of the head. On the basis of this observation, they hypothesized that blinks in patients with a vestibular tone imbalance would also trigger torsional quick pha ses. Methods: Using video oculography with a fixation target, the authors recorded ded the ocular torsion position of the left eye of 37 participants while they ma voluntary blinks once every 6 to 10 seconds. The participants were recruited from four groups: two age groups of healthy volunteers with a mean ± SD age of 3 2 ± 4 (n = 9) and 65 ± 11 y (n = 9); patients with a unilateral vestibular disorder in an acute state (n = 12, 53 ± 17 y); and those in a persisting state in which sp ontaneous nystagmus had already faded (n = 9, 65 ± 13 y). Results: In the control groups of healthy volunteers, blinks triggered no or only small quick phases on the order of 0.1 deg. In both patien t groups blinks always triggered quick phas es with significantly higher amplitudes of 1.85 ± .1.02 deg and were followed by exponentially decaying slow phases with time constants on the order of 1 to 2 seconds. Patients in the persisting state clearly differed from patients in the acute But in fact, those two groups did not show a large difference in terms of the effect of blinks on ocular torsion. The author s always observed torsional quick phases with the upper pole of the eye beating away from the side of the lesion. Conclusions: Blinks are able to trigger torsio nal quick phases in patients with both acute and persisting vestibular disorders. The side of the impairment can be determined from the direction in which the e ye is rotated after a blink. Thus, ocular torsion recordings during blinks can be used as a simple clinical test for a vestibular tone imbalance, parti cularly d uring a persisting failure in which spontaneous nystagmus has resolved and can t herefore no longer be used for diagnosis.
敬爱的圣诞老人:  您好!  之所以提前给您写信,是因为我希望您能实现我的三个愿望。  第一个愿望是希望您能让全天下的人都过上幸福的生活。我和爸爸妈妈逛街时,时常看见一些因为身体残疾而在乞讨的人。每次看见他们,我总会心中一酸:这些人身体残疾,又没有家,每天只能去乞讨,路边就是他们的床。这些人当中,有年迈的老人,有褴褛的妇女,甚至还有跟我年纪相仿的孩子——他们应该和我一样呀,应该有爸爸妈妈的陪伴,应
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