在 F1赛事进入中国4年之后,逐渐成长起来日渐挑剔的车迷们不再满足于仅仅在现场体验一两场风驰电掣的比赛。他们更需要的是一个漫长的节日。作为一个赛季的尾声,F1中国大奖赛的赛事往往由于夺冠之争进入高潮而格外的跌宕起伏。但如果不是全程关注
Four years after entering the F1 race in China, increasingly sophisticated fans are no longer satisfied with just one or two quick matches at the scene. What they need more is a long festival. As the end of a season, the F1 China Grand Prix races often exceptionally ups and downs due to the climax of the title race. But if not the whole concern