Fracture toughness estimation of ballast stone used in Iranian railway

来源 :Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my_wenzi
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Ballast is a layer composed of crushed stone basically with diameters of 20-60 mm,on which sleepers and rails are set.Ballast is used to withstand vertical,horizontal and lateral forces applied on sleepers and to hold the line in operative conditions.Ballast deterioration induced by crashed stones is a major issue of track instability as the ballast layer quality depending on the materials used and their densities should be focused on.Therefore,ballast should be resistant against loads applied,and the fracture toughness of ballast stone is of great importance.For this purpose,the fracture toughness of two kinds of ballast stones used in Iranian railway,i.e.Gaduk(limestone) and Anjylavnd(andesite),is investigated experimentally in this paper.The quality of ballast stone is evaluated in different weather conditions.Numerical results shown that the Anjylavnd stone is more appropriate for rainy and cold weather when there is a probability of fracturing due to frozen water captured in ballast. Ballast is a layer composed of crushed stone basically with diameters of 20-60 mm, on which sleepers and rails are set. Ballast is used to withstand vertical, horizontal and lateral forces applied on sleepers and to hold the line in operative conditions. Ballast deterioration induced by crashed stones is a major issue of track instability as the ballast layer quality depending on the materials used and their densities should be focused on.Therefore, ballast should be resistant to loads applied, and the fracture toughness of ballast stone is of great importance .For this purpose, the fracture toughness of two kinds of ballast stones used in Iranian railway, ieGaduk (limestone) and Anjylavnd (andesite), is investigated experimentally in this paper.The quality of ballast stone is evaluated in different weather conditions .Numerical results shown that the Anjylavnd stone is more appropriate for rainy and cold weather when there is a probability of fracturing due to frozen water captured in balla st.
摘 要:企业想要健康快速发展离不开资本的支撑,利润的追求过程中也需要我们搞好资本运营问题,但我国的企业集团的资本运营总体水平依旧较低,在这样的大环境中企业集团资本运营的发展及其中存在的关键问题就成为了我们企业发展需要考虑的重要问题,本文正是以此为出发点,对企业集团资本运营中的关键问题进行思考,以促进企业内部资本运营健康发展,使得企业的发展越来越快、越来越好。  关键词:企业集团;资本运营;思考  
In the ANSICHT project that was jointly carried out by DBE TECHNOLOGY Gmb H,BGR,and GRS g Gmb H,two generic geological site models were used to develop a first
许兴 ,男 ,195 9年 11月出生 ,宁夏银川人。 1982年毕业于宁夏农学院农学系。 1989~ 1994年由国家教委选派赴法国蒙彼利埃高等农业大学植物改良系从事作物抗逆生理、遗传及生