“不管遇到什么情况,我们坚决不同搞浮夸的人为伍”,这是中共成都市武侯区委书记郭应富常说的一句话。武侯区建区4年多来,以鼓实劲报实情的务实作风,创造了后来居上的崭新业绩:1994年工业总产值、乡镇企业产值、财政收入,分别比建区第一年的1991年增长12倍、13倍和近4倍,今年1—6月与去年同期比上述3项指标又分别以59.2%、55.3%和50.1%的增幅快速增长.昔日处于较后进状态的财政收入、社会总产值、乡镇企业利税,如今跃居成都市19个县市区的前茅并跨入全省十强,乡镇企业综合经济实力名列全省之冠,区委被四川省委评为“创四好”先进班子,多次受到省、市和中央领导同志的表扬. “走出‘数字出官,官出数字’的怪圈” 近几年,一些地方干部追名逐利,往往把一些经济增长数字的少说成多,把慢说成快。相反武侯区建区以
“Regardless of the circumstances encountered, we resolutely engage in different kinds of exaggerations”, a phrase often said by Guo Yingfu, secretary of the CPC Wuhou District Committee in Chengdu. For more than four years since its establishment in Wuhou District, the pragmatic style of reporting truthfully to the dynasty has created new achievements that have come from behind. In 1994, its gross industrial output value, the output value of township enterprises and its revenue were respectively in 1991 An increase of 12 times, 13 times and nearly 4 times, from January to June this year compared with the same period last year than the above three indicators were 59.2%, 55.3% and 50.1% of the rapid growth of the former in a more advanced state of financial income, social GDP, township enterprises profits and taxes, now leapt to the forefront of Chengdu 19 counties and cities into the top ten in the province, the comprehensive economic strength of township enterprises ranked the highest in the province, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee was named “a record Four good ”advanced team, many times by the provincial, municipal and central comrades praised.“ Out of the ”figures of the official, the figures out of the circle" In recent years, some local cadres chase fame and fortune, often some of the economic growth Say less into the number of more slowly. On the contrary Wuhou District to build