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一、一年来深圳经济发展的特征 1993年深圳经济经过上半年的高速发展和下半年适度的宏观调控,取得了较快增长,为1994年经济发展创造了良好的环境。经过深入分析,我们认为1993年快速增长的深圳经济具有以下四个明显特征: 1、投资和消费同时推动经济高速增长。据统计,1993年深圳市国民生产总值比1992年增长30%,比全国国民生产总值的增长速度整整高出17个百分点,这一速度使得深圳已连续4年增长速度保持在30%以上。 综合起来分析,1993年经济的高速增长主要取决于以下几个因素:第一,宏观决策方面,深圳根据邓小平同志南巡讲话精神,提出了追赶亚洲“四小龙”的战略目标,并提出搞好三个衔接(与国际市场衔接,与香港衔接,与广东全省衔接),抓住机遇,发挥优势,再造优势,加快发展,努力把深圳建成多功能现代化的国际性城市。由此,全市上下形成了一股推动经济加速增长的力量。第二,经济运行方面,经过十几年的艰苦创业,深圳经济有了一定的发展基础,积累了比较丰富的经验,为进一步发展打下了良好的基础。第三,体制方面,1993年深圳在财政、金融、计划、投资、价格、劳动用工等多个领域出台了一系列以放权让利为基本取向和主要内容的改革措施。例如,计划局于1993年3月推出简政放权改革新措施:扩大区政府固定资产 I. Characteristics of Shenzhen’s Economic Development over the Past Year In 1993, after rapid economic growth in the first half of the year and moderate macroeconomic control in the second half of the year, Shenzhen’s economy achieved rapid growth and created a favorable environment for economic development in 1994. After thorough analysis, we believe that the rapid economic growth of Shenzhen in 1993 has the following four distinct characteristics: 1. Investment and consumption are driving the rapid economic growth at the same time. According to statistics, in 1993, the gross national product of Shenzhen increased by 30% over that of 1992, which was 17% higher than the growth rate of the gross national product of the whole country. This speed has allowed Shenzhen to maintain a growth rate of over 30% for four consecutive years . To sum up, the rapid economic growth in 1993 mainly depends on the following factors: First, in macroeconomic policy-making, according to Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s speech in the southern tour, Shenzhen proposed the strategic goal of catching up with the “four small dragons in Asia” Three convergence (convergence with the international market, convergence with Hong Kong, convergence with the Guangdong province), seize the opportunities, give full play to advantages, re-create the advantages and accelerate the development, and strive to build Shenzhen into a multi-functional modern international city. As a result, the city formed a force to promote economic growth. Second, in the economic operation, after more than 10 years of arduous pioneering, the economy of Shenzhen has a certain basis for its development and has accumulated rich experience and laid a good foundation for its further development. Thirdly, in terms of system, in 1993, Shenzhen issued a series of reform measures focusing on decentralization and profit sharing in the fields of finance, finance, planning, investment, price, labor and employment. For example, the Planning Bureau introduced in March 1993 a new measure of decentralization and decentralization reform: expansion of district government fixed assets
本文主要介绍为提高生产能力和成材率,采用330×330毫米方坯轧制I40的孔型设计以及取得的成功经验和今后的改进措施。 This article mainly introduces the pass design of
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