Acute bacterial sternoclavicular osteomyelitis in a long-term renal transplant recipient

来源 :World Journal of Transplantation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sondio
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Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for a significant number of patients with end-stage renal disease. Although immunosuppression therapy improves graft and patient’s survival, it is a major risk factor for infection following kidney transplantation altering clinical manifestations of the infectious diseases and complicating both the diagnosis and management of renal transplant recipients(RTRs). Existing literature is very limited regarding osteomyelitis in RTRs. Sternoclavicular osteomyelitis is rare and has been mainly reported after contiguous spread of infection or direct traumatic seeding of the bacteria. We present an interesting case of acute, bacterial sternoclavicular osteomyelitis in a long-term RTR. Blood cultures were positive for Streptococcus mitis, while the portal entry site was not identified. Magnetic resonance imaging of the sternoclavicluar region and a three-phase bone scan were positive for sternoclavicular osteomyelitis. Eventually, the patient was successfully treated with Daptomycin as monotherapy. In the presence of immunosuppression, the transplant physician should always remain alert for opportunistic pathogens or unusual location of osteomyelitis. Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for a significant number of patients with end-stage renal disease. Although immunosuppression therapy improves graft and patient’s survival, it is a major risk factor for infection following kidney transplantation altering clinical manifestations of the infectious diseases and complicating both the diagnosis and management of renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Existing articles is very limited regarding osteomyelitis in RTRs. Sternoclavicular osteomyelitis is rare and has been mainly reported after contiguous spread of infection or direct traumatic seeding of the bacteria. We present an interesting case of acute, bacterial sternoclavicular osteomyelitis in a long-term RTR. Blood cultures were positive for Streptococcus mitis, while the portal entry site was not identified. Magnetic resonance imaging of the sternoclavicluar region and a three-phase bone scan were positive for sternoclavicular osteomyelitis. Eventually the patient was successfully treated with Daptomycin as monotherapy. In the presence of immunosuppression, the transplant physician should always remain alert for for opportunistic pathogens or unusual location of osteomyelitis.
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北宋时期,江南大臣徐铉博学多才,在朝廷享有很高的名望。一次,他代表江南进京纳贡,按惯例,朝廷要派一位官员全程监督。朝中大臣都自知学识不如徐铉,担心遭他作弄耻笑不敢前往,最后不得不由宋太祖赵匡胤亲自出面来定夺人选。  赵匡胤命人呈报一份名单,写上朝廷中10个文化程度最低的官员。名单很快报了上来,赵匡胤瞟了一眼,用御笔圈中其一,下令说:“就派他去吧!”皇帝竟然点了个不识字、连话都说不清的蠢官,大臣们得