
来源 :北京农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jewellerymay
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1983年10月3日和20日农牧渔业部召开了“农牧渔业系统兽医教育和实验动物工作座谈会”。特邀美国实验动物专家、美国康乃尔大学兽医学院院长 E.Melby 教授和美籍华裔学者美国马里兰大学医学院比较医学系主任徐兆光教授参加咨询。经过讨论提出建议如下:(一)关于加强兽医教育问题鉴于我国兽医人才比农业其他方面人才偏少,应加强兽医人才的培训工作。建议在原有农业院校兽医系的基础上,选择有条件的兽医系,扩建成兽医学院。我国国土辽阔,应以北京、南京、东北、西北、华南各建一院为宜,首先应建北京、南京各一。但对单建兽医学院抑建畜牧兽医学院,未做最后定论。(二)关于建立实验动物中心问题鉴于实验动物对发展生物科学和农业、医学等关系重大,三年来做为重大技术项目引进 On October 3 and October 1983, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery held a symposium on veterinary education and laboratory animal work of farming, animal husbandry and fishery systems. Invited the United States experimental animal experts, the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Professor E.Melby and the Chinese-American scholar, the University of Maryland Medical School Department of Comparative Medicine, Professor Xu Zhaoguang attended the consultation. After discussion, the following suggestions were made: (I) Regarding the issue of strengthening veterinary education The training of veterinary personnel should be strengthened in view of the fact that the veterinarians in our country are less qualified than the rest of agriculture. It is suggested that a qualified veterinary department should be selected and expanded into a veterinary college based on the original veterinary department of an agricultural university. My country is vast in territory and should be built in Beijing, Nanjing, northeast, northwest and south China. First of all, we should build Beijing and one each in Nanjing. However, there is no final conclusion to the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine at the Institute of Single-built Veterinary Medicine. (B) on the establishment of experimental animal center of view Given the experimental animal development of biological sciences and agriculture, medicine and other major issues, three years as a major technology project introduction