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软X射线不仅能引起红细胞表面电荷的变化,同时也能导致淋巴细胞和血小板表面电荷下降,表现为照射后它们的电泳率下降。低剂量范围内,这种电荷的变化是暂时性的,照后4小时降到最低点,24小时后恢复到对照的水平。细胞电泳率的下降与辐射剂量相关。淋巴细胞是一个复杂的细胞群,正常状态下,按细胞在电场中泳动速度的快慢,可分为两个组分:快峰为T细胞,慢峰为B细胞。软X射线照射以后,T和B细胞的电泳率皆减慢,频数分布峰值下降,离散度加大。血小板成分单一,电泳率较一致。 从照射浓集的血小板再加回自身血浆中电泳率的下降较照射血浆再加到血小板中的电泳率下降大得多;受照射的血小板在磷酸缓冲液中电泳率下降较在血浆悬液中严重得多;2000 rad照后,悬浮于血浆中的血小板电泳率能恢复,而悬浮于磷酸缓冲液中则不能恢复,三个方面来看,血浆中可能存在抗辐射因子。超氧化物岐化酶能有效地预防血小板电泳率的下降,从而可阻止血小板的凝聚。 Soft X-rays can not only cause changes in the surface charge of erythrocytes but also cause a decrease in the surface charge of lymphocytes and platelets, manifesting as a decrease in the rate of electrophoresis after irradiation. In the low-dose range, this change in charge was temporary, falling to the lowest point 4 hours later and returning to the control level 24 hours later. The decrease in the rate of cell electrophoresis is related to the radiation dose. Lymphocytes are a complex cell group. Under normal conditions, the rate of cell migration in an electric field can be divided into two components: fast peaks for T cells and slow peaks for B cells. After soft X-ray irradiation, the electrophoresis rates of T and B cells were all slowed down, the frequency distribution peak value decreased, and the dispersion increased. The platelet composition is single and the electrophoresis rate is relatively uniform. The drop in the electrophoretic rate from the irradiation of concentrated platelets and back to the autologous plasma is much greater than the drop in the electrophoretic rate of the irradiated plasma to the platelets; the electrophoretic rate of the irradiated platelets decreases in the phosphate buffer compared to the plasma suspension. It is much more serious; after 2000 rad, the electrophoresis rate of platelets suspended in plasma can be restored, and suspended in phosphate buffer solution cannot be recovered. In three aspects, anti-radiation factors may be present in plasma. Superoxide dismutase can effectively prevent the decrease of the platelet electrophoresis rate, thus preventing platelet aggregation.
肝脏血管瘤是肝脏良性瘤中最常见者,尸检的发现率约为0.4~7.0%。多数为直径小于5cm 的单发病变,多发性者约占10%。血管瘤的组织学分类依据是其所含纤维的多少,分有硬化性血管
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上皮内上皮癌又名Bowen′s 病,系原位癌,位于角膜结膜的上皮内上皮癌。本院自1974—1984年,经病理证实的角、结膜上皮内上皮癌24例。临床材料,男性18例,女性6例。年龄为18—