A Study on the Effects of the Intake Port Configurations on the Swirl Flow Generated in a Small D.I.

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dashunyy
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This paper investigates the effect of intake port configuration on the swirl that is generated within a direct injection(D.I.) diesel engine. The in-cylinder flow characteristics are known to have significant effects on fuel-air mixing, combustion, and emissions. To clarify how to intensify the swirl flow, a swirl control valve(SCV) and a bypass were selected as design parameters for enhancing the swirl flow. The optimal intake port shape was also chosen as a parameter needed to efficiently generate a high swirl ratio. The results revealed that a key factor in generating a high swirl ratio was to control the intake airflow direction passing through the intake valve seat. Further, the swirl intensity was influenced by changing the distance between the helical and tangential ports, and the swirl flow was changed by the presence of a bypass near the intake valve seat. Additionally, the effect of intake port geometry on the in-cylinder flow field was investigated by using a laser sheet visualization method. The experimental results showed a correlation of swirl ratio and mass flow rate. In addition, we found that employing the bypass was an effective method to increase swirl ratio without sacrificing mass flow rate. This paper investigates the effect of intake port configuration on the swirl that is generated within a direct injection (DI) diesel engine. The in-cylinder flow characteristics are known to have significant effects on fuel-air mixing, combustion, and emissions. how to intensify the swirl flow, a swirl control valve (SCV) and a bypass were selected as design parameters for enhancing the swirl flow. The optimal intake port shape was also chosen as a parameter needed to efficiently generate a high swirl ratio. The results revealed that a key factor in generating a high swirl ratio was to control the intake rate of passing through the intake valve seat. Further, the swirl intensity was influenced by changing the distance between the helical and tangential ports, and the swirl flow was changed by the presence of a bypass near the intake valve seat. Additionally, the effect of intake port geometry on the in-cylinder flow field was investigated by using a laser sheet vis ualization method. The experimental results showed a correlation of swirl ratio and mass flow rate. In addition, we found that employing the bypass was an effective method to increase swirl ratio without sacrificing mass flow rate.
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丰台区共有初中校41所,我们结合区域优势,借助教科研部门力量,科学有序推进综合社会实践活动,注重综合实践课程的顶层设计;依托区域优势,因地制宜开展综合社会实践活动,注重挖掘优质的社会资源;整合内部资源,创新融通开展综合实践活动,注重经验的提炼总结。  1.依托教科研力量,科学有序推进综合实践活动  积极发挥科研的引领作用,我们先后开展了“丰台区综合实践活动课程资源开发与实验”“中小学综合实践活动课
摘 要:分析研究生教育的目标定位及所面临的挑战,以问题为导向,从“本硕博”一体化贯通培养、提升学术创新能力、完善质量保障评价体系、推进全方位育人思政体系建设等方面,探讨研究生教育的改革与创新,以建立充满活力的高水平研究生培养体系,为“双一流”建设提供有力支撑。  关键词:双一流;研究生;教育;培养;改革;创新  2017年9月21日,教育部、财政部、国家发展改革委印发《关于公布世界一流大学和一流学