五措并举 夯实基础

来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenhight
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党建工作是做好中心工作和其他各项工作的基础和前提。全省组织工作会议后,我们进行了专题学习,进一步明确思路,完善措施,要求全区上下进一步抓好党建工作,为建设强区提供强大的政治和组织保障。抓前提,不断加强思想理论建设一是明确学习重点。要把邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、十六届三中全会和省委六届四次、五次全会及省、市组织工作会议精神作为学习的重点,领导班子成员要带头学,要在领会重大意义、科学内涵和实践要求上下工夫。二是增强学习针对性。坚持“一二三五”学习方法,努力培养学习型干部。即记一本高 Party building is the foundation and prerequisite for doing a good job of the center and other tasks. After the province organized a working conference, we conducted special study to further clarify our thinking and improve our measures. We urged the entire district to further grasp the work of party building and provide strong political and organizational guarantees for building strong areas. Grasp the premise, and constantly strengthen the ideological and theoretical building First, a clear focus of learning. Take the important points of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee, the 5th Plenary Session of the 6th CPC Central Committee and provincial and municipal organizations and working groups as representatives, leading members should take the lead We must make efforts in understanding the great significance, scientific connotation and practical requirements. The second is to enhance learning relevance. Adhere to the “one two three five ” learning methods, and strive to cultivate learning cadres. That is a record high
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6月上旬,江西武宁县多名大学毕业生向媒体反映,称武宁近期的事业单位招考硬性规定限招正科级干部家属。记者从武宁县委办公室 In early June, a number of university gradu
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本文讨论了白花泡桐叶片结构特征,以及不同种源叶片结构的差异,并用数理统计的方法对其差异性进行了方差分析。 In this paper, the structural characteristics of leaves
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