
来源 :上海海运学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:march2th
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天文导航不仅有其悠久的历史,就是在科学发达的近代,从它所独具的优点来说,仍具有不可被忽视的地位与作用。近十几年来,自卫星导航仪较为普遍地被各类船舶装备和使用后,不少船舶驾驶员已置天文定位于不顾之境地。这从确保船舶航行安全来说,不能不认为是一种潜在的危险。本文从剖析天文定位之所以不被重视的原因出发,作者以多年来的实践及收集到正反两方面诸多实例,论证天文定位有不可被忽视的地位与作用,以引起航海界人士的充分重视,从而确保航行安全。 Astronomical navigation not only has its long history, that is, in the modern era of scientific development, its unique advantages still have its status and role that can not be ignored. In the past decade or so, since the satellite navigators have been more commonly used and equipped by various types of ships, many ship pilots have set their astronomy positions in disregard. This can not but be regarded as a potential danger in ensuring the safety of ship navigation. Based on many years’ practice and collection of many positive and negative examples, this paper argues that astronomical positioning has its own status and role that can not be ignored in order to arouse the full attention of the navigation community. , So as to ensure the safety of navigation.
冬季适量运动可以增强抵抗力,抵挡疾病的侵袭。统计资料显示,冬季运动损害比其他季节高30%,尤其是老年人。究其原因,是由于冬季人们尤其是老年人穿衣服较其他季节偏多、偏厚,加上天气寒冷的原因,关节变得较为僵硬,行动也显得迟缓,因此摔伤、拉伤、扭伤现象时有发生。专家提醒:冬季健身锻炼更要讲科学,以免造成运动损伤。  冬季运动意外伤害的主要部位为腕关节、髋关节、踝关节周围组织及关节本身的拉伤、骨折,严重者
镜头前的艺人面孔都是千变万化的,喜怒哀乐样样都要会做,但镜头后的他们又是怎么样的呢?其实同镜头前一样,都是这么古灵精怪,不信?带大家去看看! In front of the camera, t
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。袒胸女子@廷托莱托 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Topless woman