实施玉米推茬清垄精播技术 实现高产高效与环境友好生产

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实现玉米高产高效、环境友好是当前玉米生产技术发展的重要方向。针对玉米耕层障碍、秸秆处理难和群体质量差三大难题,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所研发出了玉米推茬清垄精播技术。该技术在前茬秸秆堆积地块,可对播种带的行内进行推茬清垄、播种带中间深松、深层施肥、小双行错位精量播种等多项作业过程,通过机械一次性完成,构建了玉米以推茬清垄精播为特点的机械化密植轻简栽培技术体系。在我国玉米主产区进行该技术示范推广,证明该技术可改善土壤耕层条件,提高玉米免耕直播的播种质量,并提高作业效率、减少能量消耗及预防秸秆焚烧,实现了玉米增产、降本、控焚烧的良好效果。 To achieve high yield and high efficiency of corn, environmental friendliness is an important direction for the development of corn production technology. For corn plowing obstacles, difficult to deal with the straw and poor quality of the three major challenges, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences developed a crop-cutting technology of corn stubble. The technology in the former crop of straw piled plots, the row can be carried out within the sowing row cleaning stubble, the middle of the sowing pine with deep, deep fertilization, small double malposition precision sowing a number of operations, through a mechanical one-time completion, Constructed a mechanized close planting and light-weight cultivation technology system featuring maize stubble removal and clear-sowing. The technology demonstration and popularization in the main corn producing areas of our country proves that this technology can improve the conditions of soil tillage, improve the sowing quality of no-tillage and direct seeding of corn, raise the operating efficiency, reduce the energy consumption and prevent straw burning, Ben, control burning good effect.
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实验目的 通过基因免疫的方法研制抗人髓细胞表面分子CD13单克隆抗体。 实验方法 1)RT-PCR克隆人CD13分子酶活性域(第69~480位氨基酸)基因,将此基因插入真核表达载体pcDNA3.
本研究主要对小细胞性B-NHL(SBCLs)和弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)这两种B-NHL的VH基因结构进行比较,鉴别其VH基因的结构特点与淋巴瘤的发病、发展是否存在联系。 研究材料:
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