Conservation and Development of Forest Mushrooms: A Case Study on Song Rong (Tricholoma matsutake) f

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaorixue
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Song Rong (i.e. Matsutake, Tricholoma matsutake) is the most favorite edible mushroom in Japan and restrictedly distributes in forests in East Asia. The yield of Song Rong, however, has been extremely dropping since 1940 ’s in the region due to changes of environmental ecology of nature forests. As a compensation for consumption, Japan imported products of T. matsutake from Korea and China, and T. magnivelare from North America since mid-1970s, but T. matsutake stili accounts for a large portion of the import components. About 6,000 to 7,000 ton of fresh Matsutake mushrooms were transported to Japanese markets, one fourth of these were harvested from uplandforests in Yunnan Province, southwest China. On the basis ofa case study of Song Rong in the Zixi Mountain Area of Chuxiong, Yunnan Province, this paper pays great attention to the sodai, economical and ecological aspects and issues relative to the production and sustainable management are addressed. Song Rong (ie Matsutake, Tricholoma matsutake) is the most favorite edible mushroom in Japan and restrictedly distributes in forests in East Asia. The yield of Song Rong, however, has been an extremely dropping since 1940 ’s in the region due to changes of environmental ecology of nature forests. As a compensation for consumption, Japan imported products of T. matsutake from Korea and China, and T. magnivelare from North America since mid-1970s, but T. matsutake stili accounts for a large portion of the import components. About 6,000 to 7,000 ton of fresh Matsutake mushrooms were transferred to Japanese markets, one fourth of these were harvested from uplandforests in Yunnan Province, southwest China. On the basis of a case study of Song Rong in the Zixi Mountain Area of ​​Chuxiong, Yunnan Province, this paper pays great attention to the sodai, economical and ecological aspects and issues relative to the production and sustainable management are addressed.
本文叙述了关于激光治疗的基本原理,认为在激光作为照射器使用场合,着重体现光的热效应和光化效应。 This paper describes the basic principles of laser treatment, that
在0.20mol L硝酸及1×10~4mol L十二烷基磺酸钠溶液中,锆产生一个灵敏的催化波。用示波极谱法测定时,峰电位为-1.10V(vs.SCE),其导数峰高度与锆的浓度在0.03—0.5μg mL范围
作为美国联邦储备委员会(以下简称“美联储”)的主席,本·伯南克在2011年全球央行会议上的讲话备受全球市场的瞩目。这一讲话,也被全球财经舆论认为是“本周最大的一件事”。  去年这个时候,美联储第二轮量化宽松政策(QE2)就是在这个名为杰克逊·霍尔的怀俄明州小镇被首先提出。一年之后,人们期待从伯南克的讲话中寻找美联储是否会启动新一轮量化宽松政策的线索。  但是,在伯南克的通篇讲话中,并没用暗示第三轮