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清人纪晓岚在《阅微草堂笔记》中讲了这样一则故事:甲乙两人很要好,甲请乙料理家务,甲当上了抚军(古时一职务名称)后,又请乙去协助,并对乙言听计从.时间一长,甲发现自己的资财都让乙给侵吞了,这才知道乙是个奸诈小人。于是,对其严厉斥责,而乙却以甲的一些不宜外扬的事情相要挟。甲气愤至极,告到城隍那里,夜里梦见城隍问他:“乙这么险恶,你为什么对他信任不疑呢?”甲答道:“因为他平时事事都如我的意。”城隍叹道:“人能事事如我意,可畏甚矣。” Chingren Ji Xiaolan in the “Reading Wechat Cottage Notes” tells such a story: A and B are very good, A please B housekeeping, A when the military (an office name in ancient times), please B to help , And listen to the B from. Over time, A found his own capital to B embezzlement, and I know B is a treacherous villain. So, severely reprimanded, and B was threatened with a number of things that should not be threatened. A very angry anger, reported to the city where the night dreams of the city 隍 asked him: “B so sinister, why do you trust him do not doubt it?” A replied: “Because he usually like everything I mean.” Said: “People can do everything like me, fearful carry on.”
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。越剧《江姐》 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Yue Opera “Jiang
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