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《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确规定:“幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位。树立正确的健康观念,在重视幼儿身体健康的同时,要高度重视幼儿的心理健康。”它提醒我们:健康不只是身体健康,更重要的是心理健康。幼儿园管理者的快乐指数同样决定着幼儿园整体的“幸福”氛围以及健康程度,我们的教师、幼儿在生活、学习、工作中是否快乐、心理是否健康也会影响幼儿园内部健康指标。因此,我认为在幼儿园的健康教育工作中有必要构建心理健康通道,有效实施管理者、教师、幼儿、家长之间的互动交流,共同关注师幼快乐指数,确保全体教师、幼儿心理健康发展。 “Kindergarten Education Guidelines” clearly states: “Kindergarten must protect the life of young children and promote the health of children in the first place. Establish a correct concept of health, attention to the health of children at the same time, we must attach great importance to children’s mental health . ”It reminds us: Health is not just physical health, more importantly, mental health. Kindergarten managers also determine the happiness index kindergarten overall “happiness ” atmosphere and health, our teachers, children in life, learning, work is happy, mental health will also affect the kindergarten internal health indicators. Therefore, I think it is necessary to construct a mental health channel in the health education of kindergartens, effectively implement the interaction between managers, teachers, children and parents, and pay close attention to the happy index of teachers and children so as to ensure the mental health of all teachers and young children.
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