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一面面道旗,一幅幅壁画,一尊尊浮雕,一张张笑脸,映衬着传统文化走进渤海的步履,展现着和谐山村建设的无穷魅力。以“关注民智,厚德育爱”为理念,以“弘扬传统文化,构建和谐渤海”为目标的“传统文化进渤海”主题实践活动,成为渤海镇2009年精神文明建设的重头戏,在全镇20个行政村浓墨重彩的唱了起来。通过在“进”字上做文章,在“进”字上求实效,使“传统文化进渤海”主题实践活动取得了良好效果, Side of the road flag, a piece of murals, a statue of the Buddha, a smile, against the traditional culture into the Bohai walking, showing the charm of the harmonious mountain village. In order to promote traditional culture and build a harmonious Bohai Sea, the theme of “traditional culture into the Bohai Sea” is practiced in the spirit of “paying attention to the wisdom of the people and the morality and morality,” and become the spiritual civilization construction in Bohai Town in 2009 Highlights, sang in the town’s 20 administrative villages sounded up. By making an essay on the word “进 ” and seeking actual effect on the word “进进 ”, the practice of “Traditional Culture into Bohai Sea” has achieved good results.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
岁末年初,辞旧迎新。我们刚刚庆祝了新中国60华诞,又站在了新世纪第二个10年的又一新起点。此时此刻,我们除了尽情展望和畅想之外,更是少不了要深情 End of the year, begin
去年底,台湾国际文化艺术交流顾问团总召集人、著名社会活动家、书画家林寿山先生,应海南文昌宋庆龄基金会邀请,访问了海南。 At the end of last year, Mr. Lin Shoushan,
AIM To analyse the risk factors and outcomes of delayed graft function(DGF) in patients receiving a steroid sparing protocol. METHODS Four hundred and twenty-se