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环境问题日益引起关注的同时,企业节能减排的脚步加快。其实,不管企业规模大小,都需要一步一步根据国家标准逐步更换环保设备,不可能一下子把所有的钱拿来换成节能环保设备。国家对环境问题的日益重视让石化、煤炭等一批传统企业“老资格”们犯了愁。如何在达到国家排污标准的同时,保证企业自身的效益?环保设备的出现对企业的节能减 Environmental issues have drawn increasing attention at the same time, accelerating the pace of energy-saving emission reduction enterprises. In fact, no matter the size of an enterprise, step by step, it is necessary to gradually replace the environmental protection equipment according to the national standards. It is impossible to replace all the money with energy conservation and environmental protection equipment at once. The state’s increasing emphasis on environmental issues has caused a grudge for a group of traditional enterprises such as petrochemicals and coal, “old-time qualifications.” How to meet the national sewage standards at the same time, to ensure their own effectiveness? The emergence of environmental protection equipment on the business of energy reduction
During Huangtaiji's 17-year rule,significant changes occurred in Shenyang.The city was expanded from four to eight gates.Straight strees were built and bell
优先模式(precede-proceed model)又称为格林模式或健康诊断与评价模式。Precede的含义是行动前的行为原因和动机,由教育诊断中的倾向因素、促成因素以及强化因素的英文字头组成
Pan Tianshou,a master of traditional Chinese painting,Was once appointed principal of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and deputy director of China Artists Ass
刚孵出的小金鱼不能游动而附着在水草上,靠吸收腹部卵黄囊的营养维持生命,不必另外喂食。三、五天后,小金鱼离开水草,此时可喂给灰水(鱼虫的幼虫)或鸡蛋黄,十五天后,鱼苗 F