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93年冬,我市泉友小卫持枚崇宁通宝折五钱让我们鉴赏,此钱粗看色白如银,只是没有白银那种光润细腻的色泽,很象是一枚刚被用细砂布擦磨出来的铁钱一样,没有丁点锈色。起初还以为是枚毫不足道的新作之品,然经仔细揣摩,总觉此币无论是文字气质,还是铸造风格都无可置疑为徽宗时物,从流通传世状来看,也绝非现时之物。因而,考虑其可能就是钱币资料中所说的夹锡钱。 关于夹锡钱是铜还是铁,目前钱币界尚未定论。为了分清其属相,我们首先对此币进行磁力测试,经试磁吸力很强,证明此币为铁质。用小刀试刮其边缘,感觉比普通锡质强硬。为搞清其内部结构,我们又将钱缘外侧磨去少许,当时还看不出什么,几天后由于里边的铁质氧化,颜色变得稍微发灰,这样就可分辨出外层的锡质约有0.4毫米厚。整个钱全部由锡层包裹着。锡和铁的接壤部很难形容,用不太确切地比喻,就好像我们日常所用的切菜刀(指土法打制的),刀刃部位的钢和铁的结合面相似,虽说是一把刀,但细看仍能分辨出了哪个部位是钢,哪个部位是铁。 The winter of 93, the city Quan You Xiao Wei Chong Ning Tongbao fold five money for us to appreciate, this money rough look color white as silver, but no silver that kind of smooth and delicate color, it is like a was just used fine sand cloth Rubbed out of iron money, no bit rusty. At first thought it was insignificant new work of products, and then carefully try to figure out that this coin is always both the word temperament, or casting style are undoubtedly the emblem of the time, from the circulation of the world, it is by no means the present Things. Therefore, consider it may be money in the folder said money. On the folder tin money is copper or iron, the coin sector is not yet conclusive. In order to distinguish its relatives, we first conducted a magnetic test of the currency, the test magnetically strong, proved that the currency is iron. Scrape the edge with a knife, feeling tougher than ordinary tin. In order to understand its internal structure, we turn the edge of the outer edge of the money to a little margin, but also did not see anything, a few days later due to the inside of the iron oxidation, the color becomes a little gray, so you can distinguish the outer tin About 0.4 mm thick. The whole money is wrapped in tin. The tin and iron bordering areas are hard to describe. With less exact analogy, it seems like the chopping knives we use daily (referring to the terra-cotta method) , But still can tell where part is steel, which part is iron.
最近集到一枚小样裕民通宝小平钱。此钱传世品,直径2.3、厚0.07,穿0.6cm,重1.90克。裕民通宝为清代三藩叛乱时耿精忠所铸钱币。过去各谱中都 Recently set to a sample Yue