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“折叠倾倒法拆除框架大楼的试验研究”和“水压式控制爆破技术的应用研究”成果鉴定会于1982年9月在武汉市召开。参加这次会议的有科研单位、大专院校、工矿企业的专家、教授、工程技术人员共二十余人。会上,代表们审查了铁道部第四勘测设计院关于《折叠倾倒法拆除框架大楼的试验研究》和《水压式控制爆破技术的应用研究》的报告,听取了应用上述科技成果单位的发言,观看了这些科研成果的图片和电影。折叠倾倒法,就是使框架结构在爆破过程中形成折叠,使倾倒距离显著缩短,以便在特定条件下拆除高层建筑物,代表们认为:折叠倾倒法拆除框架大楼的设计新颖,构思巧妙,技术先进,效果显著,在 The “Experimental Study on the Dismantling of Frame Buildings by Folding and Disposal” and the “Applied Research on the Application of Hydraulic Controlled Blasting Technology” were held in Wuhan in September 1982. There were more than 20 experts, professors, and engineers and technicians who participated in this conference, including research institutes, universities, and industrial and mining enterprises. At the meeting, the delegates reviewed the report of the “Research on the Folding and Dismantling of Demolition Frame Buildings” and the “Research on the Application of Hydraulic Controlled Blasting Technology” by the Fourth Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways, and listened to the speeches made by the above-mentioned scientific and technological achievements units. , Watching pictures and movies of these scientific research achievements. The folding dumping method is to make the frame structure collapse during the blasting process, so that the dumping distance is significantly shortened, so that the high-rise buildings can be demolished under specific conditions. The delegates believe that the folding dumping method removes the framework building with novel design, clever ideas and advanced technology. The effect is remarkable in
数学解题是数学学习的重要组成部分,在培养学生的思维能力上具有特殊的功能。如何掌握正确的解题思维方法,寻求正确的解题途径,也就成了数学学习的核心内容,本文在这方 Math
被誉为新千年联合收割机跨区作业“第一枪”的“全国联合收割机收获小麦工作协调会”于 4月7日在河南省郑州市召开 ,会议的主要内容是 :研究联合收割机跨区收获小麦的工作 ,