1994年岁末之际,回首本刊一年来走过的历程,仔细品味一张张热情洋溢的读者信息反馈卡,更增加了我们实现理想的信心。 在过去的一年里,本刊的发行量净增30%,全年较去年营业额递增100%,社会知名度及商业广告刊登效果显著提高。 在过去的一年里,本刊相继推出内容充实的刊中刊——市场专刊、注重实用的国际公用软件交流网以及在不增加读者负担的前提下改
When the end of 1994 came to an end, reviewing the history of our publications over the past year and carefully reading an enthusiastic reader feedback card added more confidence in our realization of ideals. In the past year, the number of circulation of this magazine has increased by 30%. The turnover of the whole year has increased by 100% over the previous year. The visibility of the society and the effect of commercial advertisement have been remarkably improved. In the past year, the magazine has launched a full-featured journals - market specialization, pay attention to practical international public software exchange network and under the premise of not increasing the reader’s burden