Raynaud’s phenomenon can be divided into initial (primary) or spontaneous disease (60% ~ 80%) and two (secondary period, 25% to 30%). Stage II disease may be a local cause (light trauma, carpal tunnel compression, thoracic outlet syndrome) or general or systemic causes (pharmacotoxicity, collagen disease, especially scleroderma and disseminated lupus erythematosus, hyperplastic or Degenerative arterial disease and arteritis, endocrine or metabolic disease). The disease is often called the second phase of Raynaud’s syndrome, while the first phase is called Raynaud’s disease. Piracetam has been used in the treatment of primary and secondary Raynaud’s disease and undergoes three consecutive and supplementary treatment studies. The first study of 20 patients with an initial Renault phenomenon, using clinical and ultrasonographic, capillary and laboratory tests to