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宝石,亿万岁自然孕育的璀璨结晶,千百年人类追求的世间瑰宝。无论是中华民族对玉的推崇,还是西方文明对宝石的关注,都成为人类对大地母亲这一最慷慨馈赠的礼赞! 美国加州迈克尔·斯科特先生拥有重要的宝石收藏。在他的宝石世界中,诸多天然宝石晶体与宝石雕刻艺术品相映成趣,科学必与艺术性并举,给人无限的遐想与启迪。此次,上海博物馆有幸展示其中138件(组)精品,以光影与宝石共舞,倾力演绎自然造物之神奇、艺术匠心之独运。 纯净无暇的钻石昭示着至强至刚;鲜艳的红宝石与沉静的蓝宝石沁人心脾;祖母绿吸引着自古以来世人的垂青;坦桑石彰显年轻鲜活的魅力。石榴石与电气石共同挥舞着霓虹彩练;艳丽的菱锰矿则无愧于“印加玫瑰”之美名。更有数百乃至上千克拉的巨型宝石好似大地精灵向人们的内心深处发出召唤……一组组原生晶体与刻面宝石正展现着自然力量的深沉与伟大。 Precious stones, hundreds of millions of years of natural birth brilliant crystal, thousands of years of human pursuit of the world’s treasures. Both the Chinese respected jade, or the concerns of Western civilization, gems, have become human beings to Mother Earth, the most generous gift of praise! Michael Scott, California, the United States has an important gem collection. In his gem world, many natural gemstones and gemstone carving works of art side by side, science and art simultaneously, gives unlimited reverie and enlightenment. This time, the Shanghai Museum was fortunate to showcase 138 of them (groups), dances with light and gems, tries their best to deduce the magical nature of natural creation and the unique artistic origin of art. Immaculate diamonds show XIANG Qiang just; bright ruby ​​and quiet sapphire refreshing; emerald attracted the attention of the world since ancient times; tanzanite highlight the charm of young and lively. Garnet and tourmaline together waving neon color practice; gorgeous rhodochrosite is worthy of the “Inca Rose,” the fame. More hundreds or even thousands of karats of gems like the Earth Elf issued a call to the heart of people deep inside ... ... A group of native crystals and faceted gems are showing the deep and great natural strength.
引言 尺寸不同的介质天线罩通常用于军用武器(导弹、火炮、飞行器等)的前端,一般为流线形结构,与特定的武器相连接部分共形。天线和其它电子硬件占据了天线罩内部空间,天线
简介合成孔径雷达(SAR)的发展历史,技术状况及其在军事和民用等领域的应用情况和未来发展方向。 Brief introduction The development history, technical status of Synthe
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