A New Calibration Method for Microphone Array with Gain, Phase, and Position Errors

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:masdfsd
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Microphone array can be used in sound source localization and separation. But gain, phase, and position errors can seriously influence the performance of localization algorithms such as multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm. In this paper, a new calibration method for microphone array with gain, phase, and position errors is proposed. Unlike traditional calibration methods for antenna array, the proposed method can be used in the broadband and near-field signal model such as microphone array with arbitrary sensor geometries in one plane. Computer simulations are presented and simulation results show the new method having good performance. Microphone array can be used in sound source localization and separation. But gain, phase, and position errors can be influence influence the performance of localization algorithms such as multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm. In this paper, a new calibration method for microphone array with gain, phase, and position errors is proposed. Unlike conventional calibration methods for antenna arrays, the proposed method can be used in the broadband and near-field signal models such as microphone array with arbitrary sensor geometries in one plane. Computer simulations are presented and simulation results show the new method having good performance.
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