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男性,张某,9岁,学生,河北籍。因发热,头痛、呕吐5天伴两侧听力丧失2天于1990年4月20日入院。既往无中耳炎及用药史。查体:体温38.5℃,脉搏114/min,呼吸30/min,血压11.4/8.2kPa,发育正常,营养中等,神志清,精神欠佳,全身皮肤无出血点,淋巴结不大,五官端正,双侧瞳孔等圓,光感存在,双侧外耳道无疖肿及分泌物,鼓膜无穿孔,双侧听力丧失,颈部无抵抗,心肺无异常,肝脾不大,肠鸣音存在,脊柱四肢无畸形,活动自如,生理反射存在,病理反射未引出。实验室检查:白细胞总数11.6×10~9/L,中性粒细胞0.85,淋巴细胞0.15。4月29日第1次脑脊液检查,白细胞总数3.2×10~6/L(3200个/mm~3),中 Male, Zhang, 9 years old, student, Hebei nationality. Fever, fever, headache, vomiting for 5 days with loss of hearing on both sides were admitted to hospital on April 20, 1990. No history of otitis media and medication. Examination: body temperature 38.5 ℃, pulse 114 / min, breathing 30 / min, blood pressure 11.4 / 8.2kPa, normal development, moderate nutrition, clear consciousness, poor health, no bleeding on the whole body, lymph nodes, Lateral pupil circle, the presence of light sense, both sides of the external auditory meatus without swelling and secretions, tympanic membrane without perforation, bilateral hearing loss, cervical non-resistance, no abnormal heart and lung, liver and spleen, bowel sounds exist, spine limbs without Deformity, freedom of movement, the existence of physiological reflex, pathological reflex did not lead. Laboratory tests showed that the total number of leukocytes was 11.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, neutrophils 0.85, lymphocytes 0.15. The first cerebrospinal fluid examination on April 29, the total number of leukocytes was 3.2 × 10 ~ 6 / L (3200 / mm ~ 3 ),in
温秀山在福清工作期间,为福清的革命和建设事业作出了很大的贡献,福清人民称他是焦裕禄式的好书记。 During his work in Fuqing, Wen Xiushan made a great contribution
StudyontheGE┐typeMixingRuleforCubicEquationsofState*ChenJian(陈健),LiZongcheng(李总成)DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,TsinghuaUniv... StudyontheGE┐typeMixingRuleforCubicEquationsofState * ChenJian, LiZongcheng Department of ChemicalEngineering, TsinghuaUniv .
DIALDEHYDES are important chemical industrial materials, which are widely used in textile,medicine, dye, binder, coating and so on. The traditional method for