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拖着裤子一条腿起钩钓上大鲤鱼垂钓时,等鱼咬钩可真要有耐心和毅力。有时,目不转睛地看竿,大半天都纹丝不动,可刚一离开钓位,鱼就咬钩,动作稍慢一点鱼就跑了。因而钓鱼人常说,功夫在看竿。钓友老王就是个看竿高手。一天,老王去水库钓鱼,刚把几副海竿上好食抛到水里,天就下起了大雨,浑身被淋透。一会儿,雨过天晴,衣服贴在身上很难受,他一边往下脱衣服,一边回头看着海竿。说来也巧,正当老王脱下一条裤腿的时候,一支海竿梢头突然大弯腰,铃声“哗哗”直响。老王来不及多想,松开脱了一半的裤子,三步并作两步,跑到海竿旁,摇轮起钩,一番折腾,钓上了一条1500多克的大鲤鱼。这 Dragging one leg from the hook to catch big carp fishing, fish bite hook can really have patience and perseverance. Sometimes, looking at the rod faintly, most of the day are motionless, can just leave the fishing position, the fish bite the hook, the action a little slower to run the fish. Therefore, fishermen often say that Kung Fu is watching the pole. Angler Pharaoh is a look at the pole master. One day, Pharaoh went to the reservoir for fishing. He just thrown a few good meals on the sea rods into the water, and the sky was under heavy rain and covered with whole body. After a while, when it was raining, the clothes stuck on the body was very uncomfortable. As he undressed, he looked back at the sea pole. To coincidence, just as the Pharaoh took off a leg, a sea-pole suddenly suddenly bent over, bell “rushing ” ring. Pharaoh too late to think, loosen half off the pants, three steps and for two steps, ran to the sea rod next to the rocker hook, some toss, caught a carp of more than 1,500 grams. This
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通过热力学方法分析了直接合金化冶炼的含钒微合金钢中夹杂物的形成顺序:Mg O→Al2O3→Si O2→Mn O→Mn S。对Mg O和Al2O3临界形核尺寸进行了计算。结果表明:Mg O的临界形核
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
新生婴儿离奇失踪    孩子出生时,全家人还开心地聚在一起。孩子的母亲汤红萍安详地躺在杭州第四医院产科二楼23病房里,孩子甜甜地睡在旁边的婴儿床上。    5月19日凌晨2点30分汤红萍突然从睡梦中惊醒,她下意识地伸手去摸自己的孩子,这个刚出生四五天的孩子让她有了母亲的情怀。让汤红萍觉得意外的是,她没有摸到孩子,睁开眼睛,发现躺在推车上的孩子不见了,盖在孩子身上的蓝色小被已经滑落。  汤红萍心里一