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中国浙江衢州市与美国雷德温市自1994年结好以来,双方在教育、文化等领域开展多项合作。其中艺术家交流项目2003年开始启动,双方每两年派出一位艺术家到对方城市进行创作交流,为期一个月。至今衢州市已派出5位书画家、摄影家等到美国雷德温市进行交流,对方也派出了4位艺术家代表到衢州市进行交流。艺术家在对方城市进行采风、创作,举办讲座和书画摄影展等活动。这种中西方文化艺术交流促进了两市了解,增进了两国人民友谊。 Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China and Redmond City, United States Since its conclusion in 1994, the two countries have conducted a number of cooperation projects in education and culture. Among them, the exchange program for artists started in 2003 and the two sides sent an artist every two years to conduct creative exchange in the other city for a period of one month. To date, Quzhou City has dispatched 5 calligraphers and photographers to exchange information in the United States in Redtown. The other side also sent representatives of 4 artists to exchange information in Quzhou. Artists in the other city to collect the wind, create, hold seminars and calligraphy and painting exhibitions and other activities. This exchange of culture and arts between China and the West promoted the two cities’ understanding and enhanced the friendship between the peoples of the two countries.
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