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2008年5月12日下午2时28分,四川汶川8.0级大地震撼动了全中国。全国人民在以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央的坚强领导下,紧急行动,万众一心地打响了一场声势浩大的抗震救灾的战斗!地震发生的第一时间,党中央、国务院向全国发出抗震救灾的号令,温家宝总理当天就直奔灾区第一线,指挥部署抗震救灾,慰问灾民和救援人员;解放军和公安、武警、消防等部队官兵披荆斩棘,强行突破,直奔灾区开展生死大营救; At 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 shook the entire China. Under the strong leadership of the party Central Committee with General Secretary Hu Jintao as the general secretary, the entire nation has launched an urgent campaign to launch a massive fight against earthquakes. As soon as the earthquake strikes, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have sent earthquake relief to the entire country On the same day, Premier Wen Jiabao went straight to the front line of the disaster-stricken areas and directed and deployed relief workers and condolences to the victims and rescue workers. The PLA and officers and soldiers of the public security, armed police and fire brigade reached a climax in succession and went straight to the disaster-
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