Therapeutic efficacy of transarterial chemo-embolization with a fine-powder formulation of cisplatin

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruoling863
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AIM:To evaluate the efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization(TACE) using a suspension of a finepowder formulation of cisplatin(DDPH) in lipiodol(LPD) in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).METHODS:The subjects were 262 HCC patients treated with TACE using a DDPH-LPD suspension.The DDPH-LPD suspension was prepared by mixing 50 mg of DDPH into 10 mL of LPD.TACE was repeated when treated lesions relapsed and/or new hepatic lesions were detected.These patients received additional TACE using the same agent.TACE was repeated until complete regression of the tumor was obtained.The primary efficacy endpoint of the current study was the objective early response rate.Secondary efficacy endpoints were progression-free survival(PFS) and overall survival.RESULTS:The objective early response rate was 43.6%.Cumulative PFS rates were 56.7% at 6 mo,23.1% at 12 mo,13.4% at 18 mo,and 10.5% at 24 mo.The median PFS was 6.6 mo.Cumulative survival rates were 90.6% at 6 mo,81.9% at 12 mo,70.5% at 24 mo,and 58.8% at 36 mo.Median survival time was 46.6 mo.All adverse reactions were controllable by temporary suspension of treatment.No serious complications or treatment-related deaths were observed.CONCLUSION:TACE using a suspension of DDPH in LPD may be a useful treatment for HCC. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) using a suspension of a finepowder formulation of cisplatin (DDPH) in lipiodol (LPD) in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: The subjects were 262 HCC patients treated with TACE using a DDPH-LPD suspension. The DDPH-LPD suspension was prepared by mixing 50 mg of DDPH into 10 mL of LPD.TACE was repeated when treated with lesions and / or new hepatic lesions were detected. The patients received additional TACE using the same agent.TACE was repeated until complete regression of the tumor was obtained. The primary efficacy endpoint of the current study was the objective early response rate. Secondary efficacy endpoints were progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. rate was 43.6%. Cumulative PFS rates were 56.7% at 6 months, 23.1% at 12 months, 13.4% at 18 months, and 10.5% at 24 months. The median PFS was 6.6 months at 90.6% at 6 months , 81.9% at 12 mo, 70.5% a t 24 mo, and 58.8% at 36 mo. Median survival time was 46.6 mo.All adverse reactions were controllable by temporary suspension of treatment. No serious complications or treatment-related deaths were observed. CONCLUSION: TACE using a suspension of DDPH in LPD may be a useful treatment for HCC.
【摘 要】分析目前城乡一体化进程中所面临的思想观念、政府职能和政策法规、城市盲目扩张、城乡利益矛盾等障碍,提出了明确政府职责、合理规划城市发展、完善财政体系和就业体系、推进农村土地产权制度改革等对策。  【关键词】“三万”活动;城乡一体化;新农村建设;城乡关系  笔者有幸参加了2014年湖北省开展的“万名干部进万村惠万名”活动,在走访农户、宣传政策、兴办实事、服务群众的过程中,对城乡一体化进程中所
吴 先生近一年数次面临裁员危机.人到中年的吴先生不仅是裁员重点对象,且上有高堂要赡养,下有两个儿女要抚育,他开始有点头痛了.吴先生的头痛这半年反复发作,每个月都要发作