
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:study_sky
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在小学数学课程的教学中,师生间的有效对话对于课堂教学往往能够起到良好的推动作用。本文将结合实例展开对于小学数学课堂师生对话的特征分析。一、情感道德层面的对话关系展开对于小学数学课堂上师生间对话的分析不难发现,其中很普遍的一种对话形式为师生间情感道德上的对话。小学阶段的学生们心志还不成熟,看世界的眼光与视角都还在慢慢形成中,这个时期教师给予学生的引导非常重要,将会一定程度决定学生今后的人生观及价值体系。因此,数学课堂上教师除了要让学生们掌握必要的知识,给予学生必要的教学引导外,情感道德层面的启发也非常重要。这也是师生间课堂对话的一个重要组成部分。在展开这部分对话时教师应当注重方法的选择,对话形式 In the teaching of primary mathematics, effective dialogue between teachers and students can often play a good role in promoting classroom teaching. This article will start with examples to analyze the characteristics of dialogue between teachers and students in primary school mathematics classroom. First, the relationship between emotional and moral development of dialogue For primary school mathematics classroom dialogue between teachers and students is not difficult to find, one of the most common form of dialogue between teachers and students emotional dialogue. The primary school students are still not mature enough to see the world’s perspective and perspective are still slowly formed during this period teachers to give guidance to students is very important and will to some extent determine the students outlook on life and value system. Therefore, teachers in mathematics classroom in addition to let students have the necessary knowledge to give students the necessary teaching and guidance, the emotional and moral level of inspiration is also very important. This is also an important part of classroom dialogue between teachers and students. Teachers should focus on the choice of methods and the form of dialogues during this part of the dialogue
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