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初夏的黎明,鸟儿的声音似曾相识叫醒来历不明的梦境认识我的鸟儿,我已陌生那些落叶和花瓣凌空而下如同思想都有逆向生长的触须岁月逆流而上来到童年的田埂鸟鸣往往踩在赤脚上惊醒喜欢起早的炊烟香满山村是的,我早已陌生了这样的鸟语阳台上没有水田,自然没有发芽的谷粒更长不出高粱、稻米和麦地 The dawn of early summer, the sound of birds A familiar dream Wake up Unknown dreams Know my birds, I have been unfamiliar Those leaves and petals fall to the sky As the mentally retarded growth of the tentacles Years upstream Upward to childhood Step on barefoot wake up like the morning of the smoke of incense Manchurian Yes, I have long been strange birds such as no paddy fields on the balcony, naturally not germinated grains longer than sorghum, rice and corn
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安静一小会儿    我想安静一小会儿  有一小片夜色,一盏小小的灯  将思念点燃    我只想安静一小会儿  沏一杯神思飘忽的茶,看着它慢慢变凉  点一枝思绪万端的烟,直到烧痛手指  如果月光恰好来到我的窗前  我会像热爱故乡一样,爱上这个安静的夜晚  2010年11月15日       微弱的灯盏    请允许一朵迟到的桃花  赶上就要启程的春天  允许一棵野草,喊出心中的草原  河流转弯的地方
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