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1.解剖了50个成人的右肺下叶,详细观察了右下叶血管的分支情况。 2.上段动脉(A~6)的发起、分支类型都进行了观察。A~6是一支型者68%,其中二分支者50%,三分支者18%;二支型者30%;三支型者2%。 3.在19例有B~*(22支)的标本上,有A~*27支。1例可有A~*1—3支,但以1支者较多(13例)。在43例有BX_(10)~*(57支)的标本上,有AX_(10)~*59支。 4.A~7是一支型者78%,其中34%的A~7单独起于肺底段动脉,其余的与其他动脉合干。A~7是二支型者22%。根据A~7与肺底段静脉的关系又可分成四型,Ⅰ、Ⅱ型占68%,Ⅲ型占10%,Ⅳ型占22%。A~8的普通型只有22%,与其他动脉合干者44%,分二支发起者34%,故A~8的变异远比B~8为多。A~9的普通型只有44%,而B~9的普通型有82%,故A~9的变异亦比B~9多。A~9分二支发起者38%,与其他动脉合干者16%。A~(10)包括有A_a~(10)与A_b~(10)两个分支者有98%,其中有5例,自A~(10)或A_b~(10)发出A~*、A_b~7或A_b~9。 5.上段的静脉汇合成一支V~6者82%,二支V~6者18%。V~8、V~9与V~(10)汇成上下肺底段静脉。上下肺底段静脉的组成型式分正常型(52%)、异常型(12%)与分裂型(36%),其中以V~8与V~9汇成上肺底段静脉,V~(10)移行成下肺底段静脉的正常型最多,占34%。上下肺底段静脉汇成肺底段静脉者有90%。右下叶静脉由肺底段静脉与一支型V~6汇成者有70%。 1. Anatomy of the lower right lobe of 50 adults, detailing the right lower lobe branch of blood vessels. The initiation of the superior arteries (A ~ 6) and the branch types were all observed. A ~ 6 is a type of 68%, of which 50% of the two branches, three branch 18%; two branches of 30%; three branches of 2%. 3. In 19 cases of B * * (22) specimens, A ~ * 27. 1 case may have A ~ * 1-3 branches, but more to 1 branch (13 cases). There were 43 cases of AX_ (10) ~ * 59 in 43 cases with BX_ (10) ~ * (57). 4.A ~ 7 is a type of 78%, of which 34% of A ~ 7 separate from the pulmonary artery, the rest with other arteries. A ~ 7 is two branches of 22%. According to A ~ 7 and the relationship between the bottom of the lung vein can be divided into four types, Ⅰ, Ⅱ accounted for 68%, Ⅲ accounted for 10%, Ⅳ accounted for 22%. A ~ 8 of the common type is only 22%, 44% with other arteries dryers, 34% of the two sponsors, so A ~ 8 variability than B ~ 8 more. The common type of A ~ 9 is only 44%, while the common type of B ~ 9 is 82%, so the variation of A ~ 9 is also more than that of B ~ 9. A ~ 9 points 38% of the two sponsors, co-workers with other arteries 16%. A ~ (10) includes 98% of the two branches A_a ~ (10) and A_b ~ (10), of which 5 are A ~ *, A_b ~ 7 or A_b ~ 9. 5. The upper veins merged into a V ~ 6 82%, two V ~ 6 18%. V ~ 8, V ~ 9 and V ~ (10) into the upper and lower pulmonary veins. The upper and lower pulmonary veins were divided into normal type (52%), abnormal type (12%) and split type (36%). V ~ 8 and V ~ 10) migrate into the lower part of the normal pulmonary vein type, accounting for 34%. Up and down the bottom of the pulmonary vein into the end of the pulmonary vein were 90%. The right lower veins by the bottom of the lung veins and a V 6 integrates have 70%.
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1、美国西北大学的心理学家发现,每当人们回忆一件事时,大脑都会通过整合多种信息对记忆重新进行加工——有可能是你当下的情绪、活动、身处的环境、吃的食物等等。  2、爱荷华州立大学的学者发现,当人们试图回想一件事时,也会对记忆造成伤害。  在一项实验中,研究者为志愿者提供了一集电视连续剧,剧中有一段描述犯罪分子用针做武器实施恐怖袭击的剧情。而后,一部分志愿者被要求在心中回忆恐怖袭击的武器,另一部分志愿
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印度哲学家克里希那穆提认为,人们读书、娱乐、交友、恋爱、结婚、宗教、信仰、工作、活动、兴趣、爱好、权力与金钱欲望都是为了分心。分什么心,分孤独的心,怕自己无事可干而感觉到孤独,怕由孤独感引发莫名的焦虑、恐慌与不安。我们为什么如此恐惧孤独呢?  人类害怕孤独是与生俱来的  人为何害怕孤独?因为人是一种社会性动物。就像动物要分群居和独居动物一样,群居动物必定会害怕孤独,而独居的动物喜欢孤独。我们可以把